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Professional conference Miskolc

3. 2. 2013 | 14:45

Scientific conference and panel discussion on the topic Social problems of the Košice Self-Governing Region and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county were realized in Miskolc. Slovak and Hungarian experts of the region presented their contributions. The panel discussions were attended by Slovak and Hungarian experts, professionals from the Institute of Social Sciences  of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice, representatives of NGOs and minority communities.



Conference in Miskolc - University of Miskolc


Invitation of the international conference entitled „The social problems of the district of the Local-government of Kassa and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen county”: Konferencia meghívó


Conference book of the international conference entitled „The social problems of the district of the Local-government of Kassa and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen county”: Conference book

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