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The University of Miskolc celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1999, but its historical past goes back to 268 years. In the University of Miskolc – different by faculty – there are multiple levels of education (Ba, Ma, PhD.). The University has 9 faculties, with the Faculty of Arts among them. The aim of the Institute of Sociology – which is directly involved in the realisation of the project – is the training of such professionals, who have acquired the knowledge-material of Hungarian and European societies, and they are capable of the teaching of sociological kwnoledge, and of autonomous theoretical and empirical research. The Roma Research Center was founded in 2009 in the Faculty of Arts under the collaboration of three institutes. The Center collects the researches, publications, and documents on romas of the three institutions.


The activities of the Institute of Social Sciences at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice officially started on the 1st January 1975. The Institute was from its very beginning a multidisciplinary institution. Researchers of the Institute were dealing with minority question after the year 1948 (Hungarians and Ukrainians).

In the second half of the 1990s the Institute was profiled as a scientific research centre focusing on the interdisciplinary research of ethnic relations, especially on the questions of minorities (Hungarians, Romanies, Germans and Ukrainians) and on sociological and psychological research on the strategies of behaving in challenging situations. This orientation is also reflected in the current scientific research activities of the Institute, which also reacts on the contemporary social problems, such as the unemployment, the ethnic identity issues, the Romany question etc. After the year 1989 the possibilities for the international cooperation in direct research became better. The workers of the Institute participated in a number of international projects, which were led by the scientific institutions in France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Poland. This trend continues up to today – the workers of the Institute take a part in a significant international project called the European Social Survey (ESS).


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