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Bilingual training

10. 09. 2013 | 01:39

The HUSK “Regional Social Folder” project of the bilingual training organization took place 2013th September 5 to 8.  in Kosice. The training for 4 days served very meaningful programs for participants.


The program can be downloaded here: INVITATION


The program is starting on the day on Thursday held a lecture by Kinga Szabo-Toth, a Hungarian project partner, who presented the Regional Social folder. The presentation can be viewed here: zarokonferencia előadás


The opening conference of the bilingual training Andrea Osváth , the project manager was presented with pictures illustrating key stages of the project. The presentation can be viewed here: Kassa

1. The educational process has been completed by the final joint bilingual training for Slovak and Hungarian participants /5-8. September 2013/. Within the bilingual training workshop was held, organized on 5th September 2013.

At the workshop the results of the project were presented: educational process, website and trilingual product of the project, Regional Social Folder. After lunch nonprofit organizations and civil associations – which are an examples of good practice – presented themselves; from the Košice Region (Center Dorka n.o., Košice; Children’s Home “Lienka” Veľké Kapušany; Good Shepard /Dobrý pastier/ n.o., Pribeník; Civil Association for Sustainable Development of the Regions of Slovakia /Občianske združenie pre trvalo udržateľný rozvoj regiónov Slovenska/, Košice; European Centre for the Integration of Minorities Civil Association, ECIM, /Občianske združenie Európske centrum integrácie menšín/, ECIM Košice) and from Borsod – Abaúj – Zemplén county (Methodological Centre of Miskolc / Miskolci Egyesített Szociális, Egészségügyi és Gyermekvédelmi Intézmény – Módszertani Központ/; Beautiful Age Retirement Home /Szépkorúak Háza Idősek Otthona/, Miskolc; Centre for Social Services, Family Support and Child Care /Szociális Szolgáltató Központ Családsegítő és Gyermekjóléti Szolgálat/, Kazincbarcika; Regional social center of Bátonyterenye /Bátonyterenye Kistérségi Szociális Központ/; Hungarian Red Cross B.-A.-Z. County Organization /Magyar Vöröskereszt B.-A.-Z. Megyei Szervezete/, Miskolc.

The workshop participated experts of the social services, Chairman of the Slovak Anti-Poverty Network and representatives of the Office of the Košice Self-governing Region.

The part of the final educational process were field visits to the Košice Self-governing Region (KSGR) on 6th September 2013 and to Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county (BAZ county) on 7th September 2013. (KSGR: 1. Sečovce, settlement Habeš, visiting the building, which houses the nursery, primary and special school, visiting the Community Center. 2. Center Dorka “Unique centers which provide professional assistance and housing for children, young adults and families, who find themselves in crisis”. 3. Visiting Municipal Office, Community Center and houses of lower standard in Kecerovce. BAZ county: Village Kázsmárk 1: A comprehensive program to deal with child poverty. 2. Village Selyeb: Getting to know the results of community development project.)

The presentation of the Lead Partner can be viewed here – educational activities


Photos of the training

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Free romany language classes

22. 05. 2013 | 03:25

Reducing the language barrier by the lectures of the Romany language. In the region there is insufficient attention paid to Romany language, although there is a large number of Romany-speaking population. Romany language course lasted four months, participants had 64 teaching hours.  Participants of Romany language course have been selected from the people who work with the members of the Romany community (teachers from kindergarten in Lunik IX, members of the Department of Public Order Police in Košice, social workers working in the settlements, the priest who works in the village and settlement). Lecturer of the course was known expert of Romany language. Now course participants are familiar with the basics of Romany language and this will help to reduce the language barrier, but also supports mutual tolerance and greater mutual acquaintance between majority and minority.



Roma language course – University of Miskolc

Application for participation in roma language course here: Application for roma language course

Professional conference Miskolc

22. 05. 2013 | 03:25

Scientific conference and panel discussion on the topic Social problems of the Košice Self-Governing Region and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county were realized in Miskolc. Slovak and Hungarian experts of the region presented their contributions. The panel discussions were attended by Slovak and Hungarian experts, professionals from the Institute of Social Sciences  of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice, representatives of NGOs and minority communities.



Conference in Miskolc - University of Miskolc


Invitation of the international conference entitled „The social problems of the district of the Local-government of Kassa and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen county”: Konferencia meghívó


Conference book of the international conference entitled „The social problems of the district of the Local-government of Kassa and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen county”: Conference book

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